Detection of clinically occult parotid gland and lymph nodal metastases in a case of meibomian gland carcinoma using 18-FDG PET CT

  • Prathamesh Vijay Joshi Department of Nuclear Medicine and PET-CT, Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai, India
  • Vikram Ramchandra Lele Department of Nuclear Medicine and PET-CT, Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai, India
  • Rozil Gandhi Department of Nuclear Medicine and PET-CT, Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai, India
Keywords: 18-FDG PET-CT, meibomian gland carcinoma, parotid gland, eyelid malignancy, metastasis, ocular neoplasm


Meibomian gland carcinoma is a rare malignancy of the eyelid. We report a case ofusing 18-Flurodeoxyglocose Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography (18-FDGPET-CT) for the detection of metastatic disease in a 60-year-old patient with meibomian glandcarcinoma.

How to Cite
Joshi, P., Lele, V., & Gandhi, R. (2013). Detection of clinically occult parotid gland and lymph nodal metastases in a case of meibomian gland carcinoma using 18-FDG PET CT. Asian Journal of Ophthalmology, 13(2), 65-67.
Case Reports/Case Series